Sunday, November 26, 2006

32 Weeks

Many thanks to our neighbor Steve Lobel who came over this evening to take some professional photos of us.

At 32 weeks the baby is about 16 inches in length and weighs about 3 1/2 pounds. We have our child birth class next Saturday and the doctor visits now are scheduled every 2 weeks.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

29 weeks--Baby Shower

Many thanks to Mom, Genevieve, Maura, Tina, Becca and Erin for hosting the most fabulous Baby Shower! We really appreciate all of the little touches which made it such a wonderful day. We received so many great things including the crib (thanks Mom), changing table (thanks sistas), and tons of fantastic baby gear (thanks friends and family). The cake, which was designed and made by Sister Mary Ann Nelson, had a little basinett on it with a Golden Retriever next to it. It also had a tree hanging over it with smiling bees circulating over. Mom also did a great job at dressing up a big teddy bear in a bee costume, and even perfected the smile on the bear. Everything was just wonderful!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

28 Weeks--Happy Halloween!

Officially in the 3rd trimester, the belly is getting bigger and the baby is more active. Every night we watch the stomach change shape as the baby shifts position. We've read that by now the eylids are open and the lashes are fully grown.