We found out that we are having baby number 2 in the summer of 2010. First we told our families on Halloween who were, of course, very excited for us. When Teagan saw the first ultrasound picture, she asked what it was. We told her it was a baby in Mommy's belly. She asked, "Who's his name gonna be?" followed by a quick, "Can I have a snack on the way to school?" We brought her to a follow up ultrasound visit where we explained they would be taking pictures of Mommy's belly. She wanted to bring her camera that she got for Christmas. She took lots of close up shots of my belly.
Teagan would like to name the baby "Squeaky" if it's a boy and "Dora" if it's a girl. We will be finding out the sex on Feb 15th!
Teagan already loves the baby very much. She is always offering some of her favorite snacks to the baby, and sing to it as well. She also makes sure to tell everyone that "There's a baby in Mommy's belly!" just in case you were wondering why the belly is getting bigger and bigger.