At 8 weeks old, Caolain is now really smiling and cooing. She also is now sitting in the bumbo seat which makes life easier for me as I make dinner or tidy up the kitchen. She loves to look around and take in all the action.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Caolain is 8 weeks old!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Welcome Caolain Anne Rosencranse
I can't believe it took me this long to update the blog. I see now what people mean by the second child syndrome. I look back at all the pregnancy and baby pictures of Teagan and I feel like I was so on top of it. Caolain is now 7 weeks and I'm FINALLY updating the blog! Yikes.
Anyway, Caolain was born on June 29th at 10:23am weighing in at 8# 12oz 21". We went in for preop around 6:00am. Teagan stayed at Rosie's house the night before. We just told her she was going for a sleep over, and didn't mention Caolain was arriving the next morning (only because we didn't want her to stress out too much---as much as one 3yo could possibly stress!) Off she went to school on Tuesday morning.
We arrived at the hospital and sat in preop for a few hours. Dr. Goyar was running behind a bit so we didn't go in at 9:00 as planned. I have to say that delivering a baby by scheduled C-Section is a much more relaxing experience. We hung out while the nurses kept track of my vitals. Finally, around 10am or so, we moved over to the operating room. Travis waited outside while I went in, got situated, met the anesthesiologist, talked about my concerns and was given the spinal block. Then Travis came in. He sat by my head while Dr. Goyar and staff worked their magic.
At one point Travis stood up, looked over the curtain and began to see our beautiful baby girl begin to appear. Inch by inch he watched as she came into the world talking me through each moment. I will never forget that image in my head. Then I heard her cry and I got that same feeling of pure bliss that I had when Teagan was born. The nurses brought her over to me and I was able to feel her beautiful face, kiss her and talk to her.
Once I was "put back together" I was brought back to the recovery room with Travis while we waited for Caolain to be checked out. Nanny and Pop were in the waiting room. After a long time I was shipped off to my room and was assigned there for 4 days. Everyone came to visit! And the best visitor was the Big Sister!! Travis had gone to pick Teagan up after school and brought her to the hospital. She had on her big sister hat that we made. She climbed up into the hospital bed and said, "Where is she??" I don't think she realized how little Caolain would be as she was right next to me in the bassinet. Teagan leaned in, said, "Oh she's so cute. I love her!" and gave her a kiss. Melted my heart.
Travis brought Teagan home at night where there was a present waiting for her each night, brought her to school each day and then came to the hospital to spend the day with us. WE went home on Friday afternoon. Teagan and Travis had made welcome home signs for Caolain and Me. The dogs, as usual, were not at all unnerved by the new addition. A few sniffs and they were good to go.
The first few weeks were good except for Caolain's ability to keep food down. She has had 4 different formulas and is currently on Zantac, Similac RS plus 2 teaspoons of rice cereal per oz. All in all though, she has been sleeping well at night and beginning to smile and respond to us. 2 weeks after she was born, Erin Rosencranse got married so Caolain was all dressed up for that while Teagan was a flower girl. Then, we went to Ocean City with the family. Caolain loves to be held in the Moby Wrap. Although I look very crunchy's very comfortable and she'll sleep in it for hours.
At 7 weeks Caolain is now 14#. Teagan continues to be a wonderful big sister. She loves to give hugs and kisses and show her off to her friends at school (she goes Tue-Thur).
Sunday, June 27, 2010
39 Weeks
My final days! I've been having very bad pelvic pain from the bones splitting, but only a few short days away and Caolain will be here. Tuesday June 29th is our scheduled C-Section Date.
Monday, June 21, 2010
One more week left
We just realized we have very few baby belly shots throughout this pregnancy, compared with the first. Here are some shots from June. C-Sect is planned for June 29th 9:30 but I feel (and look) like I could go at any minute. Teagan is very excited!! We went to the St. Peter's Hospital sibling class where she got to learn all about being a big sister.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Week 33
At bedtime, after I sing Teagan a song or two, she takes a turn singing a song to the baby. Usually it's Twinkle Twinkle or ABC's. She really wanted to name the baby "Dora the Explorer" but recently said we can call her that while she is in my belly. After she comes out, she said we could name her "Flower." I said that would be fine as long as she had big flower petals coming out of her head. She laughed and agreed.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Baby #2 on the way!

We found out that we are having baby number 2 in the summer of 2010. First we told our families on Halloween who were, of course, very excited for us. When Teagan saw the first ultrasound picture, she asked what it was. We told her it was a baby in Mommy's belly. She asked, "Who's his name gonna be?" followed by a quick, "Can I have a snack on the way to school?" We brought her to a follow up ultrasound visit where we explained they would be taking pictures of Mommy's belly. She wanted to bring her camera that she got for Christmas. She took lots of close up shots of my belly.
Teagan would like to name the baby "Squeaky" if it's a boy and "Dora" if it's a girl. We will be finding out the sex on Feb 15th!
Teagan already loves the baby very much. She is always offering some of her favorite snacks to the baby, and sing to it as well. She also makes sure to tell everyone that "There's a baby in Mommy's belly!" just in case you were wondering why the belly is getting bigger and bigger.
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