Killing two birds with one stone---doing the laundry and getting Teagan to stop crying and fall asleep. As soon as the car seat was set on the washing machine during the spin cycle, she fell right to sleep. Ahhhhhh.......
Teagan and I had a fun morning playing with a squeeky smiling bumble bee. Teagan's arms were going and she was all excited every time the bee squeeked and got near her face. Thanks to Connie for this awesome bee hive gift.
We took a trip to Liberty on Saturday to visit. Teagan got to meet her Great Grandma Elsie and Great Grandpa Don. She also met Jackie and Darin Day and had her very first visit to the Kelly Pub where she met her new friend Grant Kelly. We're looking forward to many more visits to meet the rest of the gang.
Teagan's first Valentine's Day, her first snow storm, and her first time grabbing at toys! Stuck indoors wearing fer Valentine's Day outfit, Teagan and the dogs spent some belly time. Teagan lifted her head to play with the stuffed bee. (Brady kept wanting to play with it too.) She also spent time in the bouncy seat where she reached for the smiling colorful toys!!